Thursday, May 21, 2009

An Unexpected Twist

So Netflix sent me a movie the other day.

I start reading the sleeve, and it turns out this movie has a plot.

Needless to say, I was disappointed. It was my understanding that the whole point of this movie was that there was no plot. Just a single, awsome, undeniable premise.

A premise so awsomely undeniable, that no plot was necessary.

A premise so undeniably awsome, that any attempt at narrative justification would just chump it up.

That was my understanding. As it turns out, however, there's a plot:
FBI agents Neville Flynn (Samuel L. Jackson) and Sean Jones (Nathan Phillips) are tasked with escorting a witness, ex-mobster John Saunders (Mark Houghton), to a high-profile trial and to keep him safe from those who would do him harm. As the film's title suggests, however, an onboard assassin determined to rid the G-men of their precious cargo unleashes a crate full of venomous snakes in this taut airborne thriller.
That's right. A plot.

Who knew? And why bother?

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