Friday, May 8, 2009

In Other News

Or, I Have A Confession To Make

Okay, this is kind of embarassing: I've never customized or compiled my own Linux kernel. I understand that a lot of people have never done this. However, a lot of people aren't Systems Administrators. I know, right? I can't believe I'm actually admitting to this.

Anyway, as a sysadmin, I'm waaay overdue for a walk around the Linux block. So on the advice of a friend, I picked up O'Reilly's Understanding the Linux Kernel. The concept was, I'd download a Linux distribution, customize it this way and that, and learn as I went along. All I really needed was some kind of Getting Started or DIY guide.

Understanding the Linux Kernel turns out to be a massive frickin' tome. Thicker than any other O'Reilly book on my bookshelf. Massier than my Database Systems textbook. And so far it's looking like a pretty deep dive into the internals of the operating system. Certainly deeper than I've ever dived before, and I'm still only in the Introduction.

It's been quite an emotional rollercoaster, let me tell you.

The book arrives: What have I gotten myself into?

The intended audience: "anyone who's interested in learning more about the Linux kernel." Hey, that sounds like me. Right on!

The prerequisites: "There are no prerequisites..." Sweet! Perfect for a kernel beginner like me!

"... except familiarity with the C programming language, and maybe an assembly language." Familiarity with C, assembly a plus? Those are some pretty serious prerequsities!

Anyway, it's a book, so I can't help but read it. I think it's going to work out really well, actually.

In Other News

In other news, tomorrow's itinerary looks something like this:

4:30 AM: Get up. Our coffee-robot should have coffee made for us. Mrs. C. rides the motorcycle down to the park, to get some nighttime riding hours in. I drive the chase car.

5:00 AM: At the park. Attend the levee of the local crows who roost there in their thousands.

6:00 AM: At the park. Put in some time doing low-speed, tight-maneuver riding in the parking lot. This is a critical motorcycle-riding skill, and one that requires a lot of practice to really master.

8:00 AM: Ride home. I'll put in some cruising time, and Mrs C. will drive the chase car.

8:30 AM: Get more coffee from our friendly neighborhood coffee shop (stimulate the local economy!).

9:00 AM: Go to the local shipping joint, send off my laptop to get repaired. I've been putting this off for over a month, because I have an emergency backup laptop, and I hate paperwork and bureaucracy. Also, send my mom her birthday present, and my dad his mother's day gift. Or the other way around. I'm not sure. Mrs. C. keeps track of all that stuff.

10:00 AM: Return home. Turn on the new server we just ordered, install VMware ESXi, and get to work on "understanding the Linux kernel". I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. Are you a unix-ey admin?

    I tried to read the kernel book once. Hahahaha. Good luck with all that. Made it though my whole career without having to learn it. But then - I wasn't an OS admin.

  2. Well... I'm more of a generalist. Started out with Windows, then got increasing exposure to Unix flavors over time. Nowadays I seem to be doing almost all Linux support.

    Yeah, this book is pretty mind-blowing for me... It's like my entire career up to this point has made it just barely possible for me to take the leap.

    I feel like Indiana Jones going after the Grail, where he has to close his eyes and pray there's actually a bridge across the chasm. The "leap of faith".
