Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In Dreams

Last night I dreamed that a high-ranking British civil servant lost his hat on the way to work one morning.

Not any particular real-world high-ranking British civil servant; I don't even think I know any. I imagine they exist, though, and apparently they've populated my dream world.

Anyway, as this civil servant walked the streets of London, his hat was snatched from his head by a fairy. Faerie? He didn't know it was fairy, though, because it was disguised as a very short man. As fairies often are.

Seriously. "A very short man." I woke up from this dream, and that's the best way to describe the impression I had of this fellow. Not a midget. Not a child. Not a shorter than average man. A very short man.

Anyway, the civil servant chased this very short man through the streets of London, trying to retrieve his hat. Eventually he lost track of the hat thief, gave up, and set off towards his office. Then, immediately outside his office, he saw in front of him the same very short man, walking down the street, wearing his hat. He rushed up and snatched his hat off the very short man's head. But the very short man snatched it back, and disappeared once again.

Now very frustrated, the civil servant went straight to the nearest magistrate, and brought charges against the very short man. However, once the magistrate had heard all the details of the case, he refused to take any action, because the very short man doing very important and very secret work for the crown, and must not be interfered with in any way.

At this point, the very short man and his very short wife entered the magistrate's office and returned the civil servant's hat to him. Then they went out to the street, climbed into their limousine, and as the limousine drove off they tunneled through the limousine back to fairyland, where they both returned to their true fairy forms. This part of the dream was animated by the guy who animated MTV's Liquid Television.

Because apparently, in my dreams, MTV's Liquid Television was all animated by one guy.


  1. You don't even know. Early morning I dreamed that people's digestive tracts could only operate so many times before they'd need to recharge. Like a cell phone or a radio-controlled toy. The dream broke down when I couldn't figure out where the batteries went.

    When I woke up, I thought it was a pretty ironic, since of course the digestive tract is the recharging system.

  2. I can think of somewhere to stick the batteries...
