So I've started having a new kind of dream recently.
I should probably warn you, this is about my dreams. It's not like, you know, they're not safe for work (NSFW) or anything. But still. They're kinda personal. They might be too much information (TMI) for you to handle.
I don't know. I'm just saying. Dreams are weird. Maybe you're weird about dreams.
If you're weird about other people's dreams, you should probably stop reading here.
Anyway, dreams. I has them.
The Comic Book Store
In this dream, I'm wandering around a comic book store. Probably because I wandered around a lot of comic book stores when I was a callow youth. The employees are usually dream-images of actual people from actual comic book stores I actually wandered around during my waking life, and the titles were usually vaguely familiar approximations of real-world titles. But the comic book stores themselves, while utterly banal, were totally unlike any real-life comic book store that I've ever actually been in.
That's one of the things that fascinates me about dreams. I'm not just re-creating places I've actually been to and dimly remember. Instead, my mind is imagining totally different rooms, wallpapers, carpets, furniture, etc. It's kinda neat.
I'm not sure what the deal is, with the comic book store dream. There's not much of a sense of urgency. I'm just wandering around, looking for... I dunno, a comic book, I guess. I never actually find one, though. Never take one off the shelf, or bring it up to the cash register, or anything like that. Sometimes there are other people in the store with me, but I don't really interact with them. The end.
Wandering Around the City
Sometimes I dream that I'm wandering around the city. Well, wandering around a city, anyway. Like the comic book store, it's a dream-city, not any real city I've ever been to. It's always a different city (a different part of the same city?) each time I have this dream. Also like the comic book store, there's no sense of urgency, and nothing ever really happens.
Yes, I have the flying dream. Doesn't everybody? Mine often takes the form of first running, then jumping, then making longer and higher jumps, and then finally steering in the air. Pretty fun. Another version is where I'm spreading my arms out and gliding up into the air. Often my legs hang down awkwardly. This kind of flying is hard to sustain, for some reason, but sometimes I can get pretty high up there.
Interpersonal Conflict
Sometimes, I dream a fight with someone--usually a family member. These dreams are very emotionally charged. I usually wake up feeling angry and frustrated. Once when I woke up from one of these, I actually called the person I'd dreamed I was fighting with, just so I could get some closure and go back to sleep. They were very cool and understanding about it. Lately the usual "sparring partner" in this dream has been replaced by somebody else. It's all very weird.
The House
This is the new one. It's happened three times, now. The first time, it was some other guy's house, still under construction. The second time, my family had just moved into a new house. The third, last night, they'd done some remodeling while I was out.
These dreams tend to have a sense of urgency about them. I'm trying to come to terms with the changes, or get organized, or whatever, but the more I get into it, the more complicated and messy things get. At first there'll be a normal amount of furniture in the room, but the more I try to move the furniture around, the more furniture there is. The more I try to clear away clutter, the more clutter there is. The more I try to find my way around, the bigger and mazier the house gets. The point is, I'm trying to do something, and stuff keeps getting in the way. The harder I try, the more stuff there is.
Sometimes there'll be elements from one of the other dreams in this one, too. Like, it'll start out as Wandering Around the City, and then I'll go into The House. Or I'll be in The House, and end up in an Interpersonal Conflict.
This isn't a dream type. This is just the conclusion to this entry.
In conclusion: Dreams are weird.
Awesome synopsis of your dreams. I only remember dreams that are emotionally charged.
ReplyDeleteThe house dream seems like a classic Sysiphus (Sisyphus?) type scenario. My version of that dream always involves impending bodily harm or death forced upon me by others. It never quite happens but I can also never quite manage to get away (e.g.: being held against my will in a burning house).
I've had exactly 2 flying dreams (wish I had more of these).
Some people really feel that things in dreams represent specific aspects of your life/struggles. I can kind of go along with that, until they try to tell me that these symbols are common to everyone. How can they tell me that my random electrical brain symbolism means the same thing as yours?! That's just goofy.
I tend to think that the dream's content simply reflects some uncontemplated emotional headspace (but then I only remember dreams with emotional content).
Incidentally, this is my best dream ever: I'm floating in inky blackness. I cannot see, feel, smell, or taste anything. Surrounding me in the darkness is the sound of a heavenly choir singing a polyphonic Mass by T. de Victoria. "Missa O Quam Gloriosum Regis Est". It went on for what felt like an eternity and I woke up feeling profoundly at peace. I interpret this dream as a kind gesture from God as it came at a time when I was feeling very anxious and depressed, and drinking myself to sleep most nights.
That is truly an awsome dream.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think there's probably some commonality of dream symbols, for reasons I'm totally not clear about.
Personally, I subscribe to the school of thought that everything in a dream represents some aspect of your own psyche--house, city, comic book store clerk, "sparring partner", etc.--they're all you, trying to sort things out.
I don't think dreams are particularly predicive, or prophetic, or mystical, or even all that useful to the waking mind (with some notable exceptions, of course; if God comes to you in a dream, that's a totally different story, but I'm pretty sure God would make it absolutely clear what kind of a dream it was in that case).
I think the "everything represents you" theory is pretty reasonable. In terms of prophetic: I had a dream about my sweetie when I was in high school, obviously I hadn't met him yet in real life. In the dream we were at a place I had never been, but where he later took me on a date.