Thursday, September 17, 2009

Three Ways Firefox is Better Than IE

Or, Things That Are Probably User-Configurable in IE, But I Can't Be Bothered to Check

  1. When you create a new tab in Firefox, the address bar is empty, and has the focus. With a few simple keystrokes (CTRL-C, CTRL-T, CTRL-V, ENTER), you can copy a string, open a new tab, paste the string into the address bar, and go to that address. IE populates the new tab's address bar with the URL for the homepage, requiring time-consuming and tedious mouse-clicks to point it to a new page.
  2. The "/" key in Firefox invokes the search function. And it comes up fast. And it searches as you type. Waaay better than IE's "CTRL+F", which lags, and which doesn't search until you press ENTER. The Firefox method is doubly awsome if you also like using the vi text editor, which uses the same search mode invocation character.
  3. Remember that time when Han Solo was cruising the corridors of Bespin Cloud City with his main man Lando Calrissian and the smoking hot Princess Leia Organa? He'd just had a hot bath, and was wearing sweet new clothes. A fine dinner was about to be served. Things were looking good. Then the door opens, and there's Darth Vader. Does Han hesitate? Does he dive for cover or shriek like a little girl? No! Of course not! His response is immediate and definitive: Darth Vader = laser in the face. No questions, no recriminations, nothing. Just lasers. In the face.
Okay, that last one isn't really a reason why Firefox is better than IE. But it had to be said.

Also, it's not really Han's fault that Darth Vader is invincible to lasers. He still did the right thing.

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