Monday, July 27, 2009

Equal Opportunity for Ideas

Or, bringing balance to the Force

In an effort to give my readers (all two of them) a more balanced view of certain controversial topics, I've added two new blogs to my "blogroll".

To balance Climate Audit, The Blackboard, and Watts Up With That, I've added RealClimate and Open Mind.

I hope those interested in the subject will appreciate comparing the positions and arguments of the opposing factions.

Also, if anybody can find a suitable counterpoint to The Corner, please let me know. I'm looking for a blog--mostly boring, often insightful, occasionally funny--that combines social and pop culture commentary with articulation of core progressive principles in the same way The Corner does for conservative principles. If it were a group blog, with all the running debates that implies, that would be even better. I've been on the lookout for such a thing for years, now. But so far, no luck.


  1. Heh. Not really. It's not like I actually read the hateful screeds of the wrong-headed clowns that make up the opposition faction :D

  2. oh ,I get it. you just put them up so you can point and laugh.
